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School Programming

Last Updated : 13 Jun, 2024
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Recent Articles The page is designed for beginners in programming language, especially school students. It has following sections.

Learning a Programming Language :


Getting Started :

  1. Setting up C++ Environment
  2. Writing first C++ Program

Basic :

  1. Data Types
  2. Variables and Keywords
  3. Operators

Decision Making and Flow of Control :

  1. Decision Making
  2. Loops
  3. Switch

Functions :

  1. Introduction
  2. ‘inline’ Functions
  3. Default Arguments
  4. ‘ceil’ and ‘floor’ Functions

Pointers and References :

  1. Pointers
  2. Dangling | NULL | void | Wild Pointers
  3. References
  4. Differences between Pointers and References
  5. ‘new’ and ‘delete’ Operator
  6. Quiz on References
  7. Quiz on ‘new’ and ‘delete’ operator

Array and Strings :

  1. Arrays
  2. Strings
  3. Array of Strings

OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) :

  1. Introduction
  2. Class and Objects
  3. Access Modifiers
  4. ‘friend’ class and ‘friend’ function
  5. Inheritance
  6. Polymorphism
  7. ‘this’ Pointer
  8. Quiz on Class and Object
  9. Quiz on ‘this’ Pointer

Constructors and Destructors :

  1. Constrtuctors
  2. Default Constructors
  3. Copy Constructor
  4. Destructors
  5. Quiz on Constructors
  6. Quiz on Destructors

Inheritance :

  1. What all is Inherited…
  2. Multiple Inheritance
  3. Quiz on Inheritance

Polymorphism :

  1. Function Overloading
  2. Operator Overloading
  3. Operators that can not be overloaded
  4. Quiz on Function Overloading
  5. Quiz on operator Overloading

Virtual Functions and Abstract Class :

  1. Virtual Functions
  2. Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Class
  3. Quiz on Virtual Functions

Exception Handling :

  1. Exception handling
  2. catch block and type conversion
  3. Quiz on Exception handling

Quick Links :

  1. More Articles on ‘C++’>>
  2. Practice Problems on ‘C++’ !
  3. Quizzes on ‘C++’ !


Getting Started :

  1. Setting up Java Environment
  2. Beginning with Java
  3. Java Naming Conventions
  4. JVM

Basics :

  1. Identifiers
  2. Data Types
  3. Variables
  4. Scope of Variables
  5. Operators
  6. Comments in Java
  7. Quiz on Data Types
  8. Quiz on Operators

Input and Output :

  1. Reading Input From Console
  2. Scanner Class in Java

Decision Making and Flow Of Control

  1. If | if-else | if-else-if | Nested if | break | continue
  2. Switch Case
  3. String in switch case in Java
  4. Loops

Array :

  1. Arrays in Java
  2. Default Array Values
  3. Array IndexOutOfBounds Exception
  4. Comparing Arrays
  5. Quiz on Arrays

Strings :

  1. String
  2. Initializing a String
  3. StringTokenizer Class
  4. String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer
  5. charAT | indexOf and its versions | substring
  6. Reversing a String
  7. Integer to String
  8. String to Integer

OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) :

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Access Modifiers
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Inheritance
  5. Overloading in Java
  6. Quiz on Classes and Objects

Methods :

  1. Parameter Passing
  2. Passing and Returning Objects
  3. Returning Multiple Values
  4. Private and Finals Methods
  5. Quiz on Functions

Constructors :

  1. Constructor and its Types
  2. Default Constructor
  3. Copy Constructor
  4. Constructor Chaining
  5. Quiz on Constructors

Inheritance :

  1. Inheritance in Java
  2. Multiple Inheritance
  3. Inheritance and Constructors
  4. Quiz on Inheritance

Polymorphism :

  1. Overloading
  2. Method Overloading
  3. Different Ways Of Method Overloading
  4. Method Overriding
  5. Run Time Polymorphism
  6. Constructor Overloading

Keywords in Java

  1. this
  2. super
  3. final
  4. abstract

Interfaces and Abstract Clases :

  1. Abstract Classes
  2. Interfaces
  3. Access Specifiers of Methods in Interfaces
  4. Difference Between Abstract Class and Interface
  5. Quiz on Abstract Class And Interface

Exception Handling :

  1. Exceptions
  2. Types Of Exceptions
  3. Try-Catch in Java
  4. MultiCatch
  5. throw and throws
  6. User-Defined Exceptions
  7. Quiz on Exception Handling

File Handling :

  1. File Class
  2. File Permissions
  3. Reading a Text File
  4. Copying a File
  5. Deleting a File

Quick Links :

  1. More Articles On ‘Java’ >>
  2. Practice Problems on ‘Java’ !
  3. Quizzes on ‘Java’ !


Solved Programming Problems and Solutions :

Basic :

Mathematical :

Pattern Printing :

Array :

Matrix :

Strings :

Date and Time :

Practice Problems :

Basic :

  1. Print Hello World
  2. Decision Making
  3. Performing Arithmetic operations
  4. Print a string n times
  5. Swap two numbers
  6. Reversing digits of a number
  7. Decimal to any base conversion
  8. Conversion from any base to Decimal
  9. Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
  10. Print numbers from 1 to n without using loops
  11. Middle of three
  12. To check if a number is Palindrome or not
  13. Binary representation of a number

Mathematical :

  1. Small factorial
  2. Odd or Even
  3. Calculating ab
  4. Greatest of three numbers
  5. Check if a number is a perfect square
  6. All divisors of a natural number
  7. Calculating nPr (Permutations)
  8. Sum of AP
  9. Sum of GP
  10. Calculating Surface area and volume of cuboid
  11. Calculating Compound Interest
  12. Calculating Simple Interest
  13. Printing Tables
  14. Area of Rectangle,Right-Angled Triangle and Circle
  15. Number of Open Doors
  16. Number of integer solutions
  17. Maximum possible sum of products
  18. Remainder Solution
  19. To check if given four points form a square or not
  20. Overlapping rectangles
  21. Sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n
  22. To check if a number is power of another number
  23. Common divisors
  24. Composite series
  25. Calculating Mean
  26. Matching Pair
  27. Perfect Number
  28. Number of Divisors
  29. Parallel or Perpendicular
  30. Maximum Distance
  31. Distance between two points
  32. Tidy number
  33. Proper divisors and XOR operation
  34. Sum Palindrome

Patterns :

  1. Number Pattern
  2. Pattern printing
  3. Triangle shrinking downwards
  4. Triangle growing downwards
  5. Pattren of strings
  6. Y shaped pattern
  7. Inverted triangle of stars

Array :

  1. Print elements of array
  2. Sum of array elements
  3. Multiplying elements of an array
  4. Search an element in array
  5. Alone in couple
  6. Finding second largest element in array
  7. Binary array sorting
  8. Immediate smaller element
  9. Reversing an array by ‘d’ elements
  10. Equal to Product
  11. To check if an array is sorted or not
  12. Finding roots of quadratic equation
  13. Number of smaller and larger elements
  14. Missing number
  15. Reverse array in groups
  16. Finding mean at every point
  17. Print the left-most element
  18. Compete the skills
  19. Form largest number from digits
  20. Find duplicates in an array

Matrix :

  1. Diagonal Sum
  2. Sum of elements in a matrix
  3. Maximum sum of Hour Glass

Strings :

  1. Converting string from LOWER case to UPPER case
  2. Remove characters from alphanumeric string
  3. Count of Camel case characters
  4. Count number of alphabets
  5. To check if a character is vowel or not
  6. Finding substring in a string
  7. Sorting a string
  8. Perfect Reversible String
  9. Finding longer of the string and concatenating
  10. Display longest name
  11. Reverse a string
  12. Reversing vowels
  13. Split the string
  14. Sort the fest
  15. Check if a string is rotated by two places

Date and Time :

  1. Numebr of days between two given dates
  2. Check if date is valid or not
  3. 12-hour clock multiplication
  4. 12-hour clock subtraction
  5. 12-hour clock addition

Misc :

  1. Max-min conversion
  2. Jumping Frog
  3. Professor and Parties
  4. Combinational Logic
  5. The Lazy Caterer’s Problem

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