School Programming
Recent Articles The page is designed for beginners in programming language, especially school students. It has following sections.
- Introduction to Programming Languages
- Learning a Programming Language
- Programming Problems and Solutions
- Practice Problems
- Recent School Coding Articles
- Recent School Coding Practice Problems
- Multiple Choice Questions – C, C++, Java, Python
Basic :
Decision Making and Flow of Control :
Functions :
Pointers and References :
- Pointers
- Dangling | NULL | void | Wild Pointers
- References
- Differences between Pointers and References
- ‘new’ and ‘delete’ Operator
- Quiz on References
- Quiz on ‘new’ and ‘delete’ operator
Array and Strings :
OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) :
- Introduction
- Class and Objects
- Access Modifiers
- ‘friend’ class and ‘friend’ function
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- ‘this’ Pointer
- Quiz on Class and Object
- Quiz on ‘this’ Pointer
Constructors and Destructors :
- Constrtuctors
- Default Constructors
- Copy Constructor
- Destructors
- Quiz on Constructors
- Quiz on Destructors
Inheritance :
Polymorphism :
- Function Overloading
- Operator Overloading
- Operators that can not be overloaded
- Quiz on Function Overloading
- Quiz on operator Overloading
Virtual Functions and Abstract Class :
Exception Handling :
Quick Links :
Basics :
- Identifiers
- Data Types
- Variables
- Scope of Variables
- Operators
- Comments in Java
- Quiz on Data Types
- Quiz on Operators
Input and Output :
Decision Making and Flow Of Control
- If | if-else | if-else-if | Nested if | break | continue
- Switch Case
- String in switch case in Java
- Loops
Array :
- Arrays in Java
- Default Array Values
- Array IndexOutOfBounds Exception
- Comparing Arrays
- Quiz on Arrays
Strings :
- String
- Initializing a String
- StringTokenizer Class
- String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer
- charAT | indexOf and its versions | substring
- Reversing a String
- Integer to String
- String to Integer
OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) :
- Classes and Objects
- Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Overloading in Java
- Quiz on Classes and Objects
Methods :
- Parameter Passing
- Passing and Returning Objects
- Returning Multiple Values
- Private and Finals Methods
- Quiz on Functions
Constructors :
- Constructor and its Types
- Default Constructor
- Copy Constructor
- Constructor Chaining
- Quiz on Constructors
Inheritance :
Polymorphism :
- Overloading
- Method Overloading
- Different Ways Of Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Run Time Polymorphism
- Constructor Overloading
Keywords in Java
Interfaces and Abstract Clases :
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Access Specifiers of Methods in Interfaces
- Difference Between Abstract Class and Interface
- Quiz on Abstract Class And Interface
Exception Handling :
- Exceptions
- Types Of Exceptions
- Try-Catch in Java
- MultiCatch
- throw and throws
- User-Defined Exceptions
- Quiz on Exception Handling
File Handling :
Quick Links :
- Introduction
- Python | The New Generation Language
- Variables | Expressions | Functions
- Global and Local Variables
Operators :
- Division Operator
- Any and All Operator
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Operator Functions
- Ternary Operator
- Quiz on Operators
Data Types :
- Introduction
- Strings :
- List :
- Tuples
- Arrays | Set 1
- Arrays | Set 2
- Quiz on Data Types
Dictionary :
Flow of Control :
Functions :
OOPs(Object Oriented Programming)
Exception Handling :
Quick Links :
Basic :
- Program to swap two numbers
- Program to check if given year is leap year or not
- Program to print Floyd’s triangle
Mathematical :
- Program to find Area of Circle
- Program to find Area of a Triangle
- Program to find factorial of a number
- Program to find GCD / HCF of two number
- Programto find LCM of two number
- Program to find all angles of a triangle
- Solving f(n)= (1) + (2*3) + (4*5*6) … n using Recursion
- Program to print first n Fibonacci numbers
- Multiply the given number by 2 such that it is divisible by 10
- Program to find greater value between a^n and b^n
- Maximum number of pieces in N cuts
- Program to find Sum of the series 1*3 + 3*5 + ….
- Program to find Length of Bridge using Speed and Length of Train
Pattern Printing :
- C Programs to print interesting Patterns
- C Programs to Diamond Shape
- C++ Program for printing Pyramid Patterns
- Java Programs for printing Pyramid Patterns
- Program to print Inverse Diamond pattern
- Python Programs for printing Pyramid Patterns | Set 1
- Python Programs for printing Pyramid Patterns | Set 2
- Program to print a given pattern
Array :
- Program to find largest element in an array
- Program to find the sum of elements of array
- Program for Multiplication of Array elements
- Program to cyclically rotate an array by one
- Program to print Sum Triangle of an array
- Recursive program to find an element in an array linearly
- Program for printing array in Pendulum Arrangement
Matrix :
- Program to add two matrices
- Program for subtraction of matrices
- Program to check if two matrices are identical or not
- Program to multiply two matrices
- Program to find transpose of matrix
- Program to print a given matrix in Spiral Form
- Program to print a matrix in Diagonal Pattern
Strings :
- Program for converting Alternate characters of a string to Upper Case
- Program to find missing characters to make a string Pangram
- Program to check if a string is palindrome or not
Date and Time :
- Program for converting given time to words
- Program to convert time from 12-hour format to 24-hour format
- Program to check if given Date is valid or not.
Basic :
- Print Hello World
- Decision Making
- Performing Arithmetic operations
- Print a string n times
- Swap two numbers
- Reversing digits of a number
- Decimal to any base conversion
- Conversion from any base to Decimal
- Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Print numbers from 1 to n without using loops
- Middle of three
- To check if a number is Palindrome or not
- Binary representation of a number
Mathematical :
- Small factorial
- Odd or Even
- Calculating ab
- Greatest of three numbers
- Check if a number is a perfect square
- All divisors of a natural number
- Calculating nPr (Permutations)
- Sum of AP
- Sum of GP
- Calculating Surface area and volume of cuboid
- Calculating Compound Interest
- Calculating Simple Interest
- Printing Tables
- Area of Rectangle,Right-Angled Triangle and Circle
- Number of Open Doors
- Number of integer solutions
- Maximum possible sum of products
- Remainder Solution
- To check if given four points form a square or not
- Overlapping rectangles
- Sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n
- To check if a number is power of another number
- Common divisors
- Composite series
- Calculating Mean
- Matching Pair
- Perfect Number
- Number of Divisors
- Parallel or Perpendicular
- Maximum Distance
- Distance between two points
- Tidy number
- Proper divisors and XOR operation
- Sum Palindrome
Patterns :
- Number Pattern
- Pattern printing
- Triangle shrinking downwards
- Triangle growing downwards
- Pattren of strings
- Y shaped pattern
- Inverted triangle of stars
Array :
- Print elements of array
- Sum of array elements
- Multiplying elements of an array
- Search an element in array
- Alone in couple
- Finding second largest element in array
- Binary array sorting
- Immediate smaller element
- Reversing an array by ‘d’ elements
- Equal to Product
- To check if an array is sorted or not
- Finding roots of quadratic equation
- Number of smaller and larger elements
- Missing number
- Reverse array in groups
- Finding mean at every point
- Print the left-most element
- Compete the skills
- Form largest number from digits
- Find duplicates in an array
Matrix :
Strings :
- Converting string from LOWER case to UPPER case
- Remove characters from alphanumeric string
- Count of Camel case characters
- Count number of alphabets
- To check if a character is vowel or not
- Finding substring in a string
- Sorting a string
- Perfect Reversible String
- Finding longer of the string and concatenating
- Display longest name
- Reverse a string
- Reversing vowels
- Split the string
- Sort the fest
- Check if a string is rotated by two places
Date and Time :
- Numebr of days between two given dates
- Check if date is valid or not
- 12-hour clock multiplication
- 12-hour clock subtraction
- 12-hour clock addition
Misc :
- Max-min conversion
- Jumping Frog
- Professor and Parties
- Combinational Logic
- The Lazy Caterer’s Problem
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