Golang is a procedural and statically typed programming language having the syntax similar to C programming language. Sometimes it is termed as Go Programming Language. It provides a rich standard library, garbage collection, and dynamic-typing capability. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language and mainly used in Google’s production systems. Golang is one of the most trending programming languages among developers.
Recent Articles on Golang!
Overview, Fundamentals, Control Flow, Functions and Methods, Structure, Arrays & Slices, String, Pointers, Interfaces, Concurrency
- Introduction to Golang
- Installing Golang on Windows
- Installing Golang on MacOS
- Hello World! in Golang
- Golang vs C++
- Golang vs Java
- Golang vs Python
- Identifiers in Golang
- Keywords in Golang
- Data Types
- Variables
- Constants
- Rune in Golang
- Operators in Golang
- Scope of Variables
- Type Casting
- var Keyword in Golang
- Short Declaration Operator(:=)
- var keyword vs short declaration operator
Control Statements
- Decision Making Statements
- Loops in Golang
- Loop Control Statements
- Switch Statement in Go
- Deadlock and Default Case in Select Statement
Functions & Methods
- What are the Functions?
- Variadic Function
- Anonymous Function
- main and init function
- Function Arguments
- Function Returning Multiple Values
- Named Return Values
- Blank Identifier
- Defer
- Methods
- Methods With Same Name
- Structures
- Structure Equality
- Nested Structure
- Anonymous Structure and Fields
- Promoted Fields in Structure
- Promoted Methods in Structure
- Function as a Field in Structure
Arrays & Slices
- Arrays in Golang
- Copying an Array into Another Array in Golang
- Passing an Array to a Function in Golang
- Slices in Golang
- Slice Composite Literal
- Copying one Slice into another Slice
- Passing a Slice to Function
- Comparing two Slices in Golang
- Checking the Equality of Slices in Golang
- Sorting a Slice in Golang
- Trimming a Slice in Golang
- Splitting a Slice in Golang
- Strings in Golang
- Different ways to compare Strings
- Different ways to concatenate two strings
- Trimming a String in Golang
- Splitting a String in Golang
- Check if the given characters are present in String
- Repeating a String for Specific Number of Times
- Finding the index value of specified string
- Counting the Number of Repeated Characters in String
- Pointers
- Pointer to Pointer (Double Pointer)
- Pointers to a Function
- Returning Pointer from a Function
- Pointer to an Array as Function Argument
- Pointer to Struct
- Comparing Pointers
- Finding the Capacity of the Pointer
- Finding the Length of the Pointer
- Goroutines – Concurrency
- Select Statement
- Multiple Goroutines
- Goroutine vs Thread
- Channel in Golang
- Unidirectional Channel in Golang