R Tutorial | Learn R Programming Language
R Programming Tutorial is designed for beginners and experts. This free R Tutorial gives you knowledge basic to advanced of concepts of the R programming language. Here you will get a detailed introduction, features, installation, variables, data types, operators, if statements, vectors, data handling, graphics, and statistical modeling of R programming.
What is R Programming?
R is an interpreted programming language and also a software environment that is widely used for statistical computing and data analysis. R was developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
R is an open-source programming language and it is available on widely used platforms e.g. Windows, Linux, and Mac. It generally comes with a command-line interface and provides a vast list of packages for performing tasks. R is an interpreted language that supports both procedural programming and object-oriented programming.
Hello World Program in R Language
Here is an example of the first Hello World program in R Programming Language. To print in R language you just need to use a Print function.
# Code print ( "Hello World!" ) |
Hello World!
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Prerequisites for R Programming
While there are no strict prerequisites for learning R programming, certain foundational knowledge can significantly ease your learning journey of R programming:
- Basic computer literacy
- Logical thinking and problem-solving skills
Helpful (but not mandatory):
- Prior programming experience
- Mathematics and statistics.
- Data analysis concepts
Note: Remember, the most important factor to learn any programming language is constant practice with dedication and a structured approach.
How to Install R
- Go to https://cloud.r-project.org/ and download the latest version of R for Windows, Mac or Linux.
- When you have downloaded and installed R, you can run R on your Command prompt or any IDE.
R Tutorial – Table of Content
- Introduction to R Programming Language
- Interesting Facts about R Programming Language
- R vs Python
- Environments in R Programming
- Introduction to R Studio
- How to Install R Studio on Windows and Linux?
- Creation and Execution of R File in R Studio
- Clear the Console and the Environment in R Studio
- Hello World in R Programming
Fundamentals of R
- Introduction to Variables
- Scope of Variable
- Dynamic Scoping
- Lexical Scoping
- Lexical Scoping vs Dynamic Scoping
Input and Output
- Taking Input from User
- Printing Output of R Program
- Print the Argument to the Screen – print() Function
Decision Making
- Decision Making – if, if-else, if-else-if ladder, nested if-else, and switch
- if statement
- if-else statement
- Switch case
Control Flow
- Introduction to Control Statements
- Loops (for, while, repeat)
- For loop
- while loop
- Repeat loop
- goto statement
- Break and Next statements
- Next Statement
- Introduction to Functions
- Function Arguments
- Types of Functions
- Recursive Functions
- Conversion Functions
Data Structures
Introduction to Data Structures
- Introduction to Strings
- Working with Text
- String Manipulation
- Concatenate Two Strings
- String Matching
- How to find a SubString?
- Finding the length of string – nchar() method
- Adding elements in a vector – append() method
- Convert string from Lowercase to Uppercase – toupper() function
- Convert String from Uppercase to Lowercase – tolower() method
- Splitting Strings – strsplit() method
- Print a Formatted string – sprintf() Function
- Introduction to Vectors
- Operations on Vectors
- Append Operation on Vectors
- Dot Product of Vectors
- Types of Vectors
- Assigning Vectors
- Getting and Setting Length of the Vectors – length() Function
- Creating a Vector of sequenced elements – seq() Function
- Get the Minimum and Maximum element of a Vector – range() Function
- Formatting Numbers and Strings – format() Function
- Replace the Elements of a Vector – replace() Function
- Sorting of a Vector – sort() Function
- Convert elements of a Vector to Strings – toString() Function
- Extracting Substrings from a Character Vector – substring() Function
- Introduction to Lists
- Two Dimensional List
- Operations on Lists
- List of Vectors
- List of Dataframes
- Named List
- Check if the Object is a List – is.list() Function
- Convert an Object to List – as.list() Function
- Check if an Object of the Specified Name is Defined or not – exists() Function
- Apply a Function over a List of elements – lapply() Function
- Performing Operations on Multiple Lists simultaneously – mapply() Function
- Introduction to Arrays
- Multidimensional Array
- Array Operations
- Sorting of Arrays
- Convert values of an Object to Logical Vector – as.logical() Function
- Performing different Operations on Two Arrays – outer() Function
- Intersection of Two Objects – intersect() Function
- Get Exclusive Elements between Two Objects – setdiff() Function
- Introduction to Matrices
- Create Matrix from Vectors
- Operations on Matrices
- Matrix Multiplication
- Algebraic Operations on a Matrix
- Combining Matrices
- Matrix Transpose
- Inverse of Matrix
- Working with Sparse Matrices
- Check if the Object is a Matrix – is.matrix() Function
- Convert an Object into a Matrix – as.matrix() Function
- Get or Set Dimensions of a Matrix – dim() Function
- Calculate Cumulative Sum of a Numeric Object – cumsum() Function
- Compute the Sum of Rows of a Matrix or Array – rowSums Function
>>> More Functions on Matrices
- Introduction to Factors
- Level Ordering of Factors
- Convert Factor to Numeric and Numeric to Factor
- Check if a Factor is an Ordered Factor – is.ordered() Function
- Convert an Unordered Factor to an Ordered Factor – as.ordered() Function
- Checking if the Object is a Factor – is.factor() Function
- Convert a Vector into Factor – as.factor() Function
- Introduction to Data Frames
- Matrix vs Dataframe
- DataFrame Operations
- DataFrame Manipulation
- Joining of Dataframes
- The Factor Issue in a DataFrame
- Data Reshaping
- Creating a Data Frame from Vectors
- Data Wrangling – Data Transformation
- Data Wrangling – Working with Tibbles
- Melting and Casting
- Subsetting of DataFrames
- Handling Missing Values
- Convert an Object to Data Frame – as.data.frame() Function
- Get the number of columns of an Object – ncol() Function
- Get the number of rows of an Object – nrow() Function
- Get Addition of the Objects passed as Arguments – sum() Function
- Create Subsets of a Data frame – subset() Function
>>> More Functions on DataFrames
Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes
- Objects
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Abstraction
- Looping over Objects
- Creating, Listing, and Deleting Objects in Memory
- S3 class
- Explicit Coercion
- R6 Classes
- Getting attributes of Objects – attributes() and attr() Function
- Get or Set names of Elements of an Object – names() Function
- Get the Minimum element of an Object – min() Function
- Get the Maximum element of an Object – max() Function
>>> More Functions on R Objects
Error Handling
File Handling
- Introduction to File Handling
- Reading Files
- Writing to Files
- Read Lines from a File – readLines() Function
- Working with Binary Files
Packages in R
- Introduction to Packages
- dplyr Package
- ggplot2 package
- Grid and Lattice Packages
- Shiny Package
- tidyr Package
- What Are the Tidyverse Packages?
- Data Munging
Data Interfaces
- Data Handling
- Importing Data in R Script
- How To Import Data from a File?
- Exporting Data from scripts
- Working with CSV files
- Working with XML Files
- Working with Excel Files
- Working with JSON Files
- Reading Tabular Data from files
- Working with Databases
- Database Connectivity
- Manipulate Data Frames Using SQL
Data Visualization
- Graph Plotting
- Graphical Models
- Plotting Graphs using Two Dimensional List
- Data Visualization
- Charts and Graphs
- Add Titles to a Graph
- Adding Colors to Charts
- Adding Text to Plots
- Adding axis to a Plot
- Set or View the Graphics Palette
- Plotting of Data using Generic plots
- Bar Charts
- Line Graphs
- Adding Straight Lines to a Plot
- Addition of Lines to a Plot
- Histograms
- Pie Charts
- Scatter plots
- Create One Dimensional Scatterplots
- Create a Plot Matrix of Scatterplots
- Create Dot Charts
- Boxplots in R Language
- Stratified Boxplot
- Create a Heatmap
- Pareto Chart
- Waffle Chart
- Draw a Quantile-Quantile Plot
- Creating 3D Plots
- Describe Parts of a Chart in Graphical Form
- Principal Component Analysis
- Social Network Analysis
- Introduction to Statistics
- Calculate the Mean, Median, and Mode
- Calculate the Average, Variance, and Standard Deviation
- Homogeneity of Variance Test
- Covariance and Correlation
- Correlation Matrix
- Visualize correlation matrix using correlogram
- Distance Matrix by GPU
- Descriptive Analysis
- Normal Distribution
- Binomial Distribution
- Compute the Negative Binomial Density
- Poisson Functions
- ANOVA Test
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- K-NN Classifier
- Central Tendency
- Variability
- Skewness and Kurtosis
- Absolute and Relative Frequency
- Permutation Hypothesis Test
- AB Testing
- Completely Randomized Design
- Randomized Block Design
- Bartlett’s Test
- Tree Entropy
- Tukey’s Five-number Summary
- Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets
- Hypothesis Testing
- Bootstrapping
- Time Series Analysis
- T-Test Approach
Machine Learning with R
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Setting up Environment for Machine Learning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Classification
- Regression and its Types
- Regression Analysis
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest Approach
- Root-Mean-Square Error
- Clustering
- Hierarchical Clustering
- DBScan Clustering
- Deep Learning
- Building a Simple Neural Network
- How Neural Networks are used for Regression?
- Multi Layered Neural Networks
- Survival Analysis
- Stem and Leaf Plots
Why Use R Programming Language?
R programming language is a best resource for data science, data analysis, data visualization and machine learning. R provides various statistical techniques like statistical tests, clustering and data reduction. Graph making is easy eg. pie chart, histogram, box, plot, etc. R is totally free and open-source Programming language. The community support with the R language is very large and it works on all OS. R programming comes with many packages (libraries of functions) to solve various problems.
Applications of R Programming Language
Some of the important applications of R Programming Language are listed below:
- R is used in wide range of industries for example academics, government, insurance, retail, energy, media, technology, and electronics.
- R helps in importing and cleaning data and data analysis.
- R is used in data science. R language provides us many libraries for data science e.g. Dplyr, Ggplot2, shiny, Lubridate, Knitr, Caret, Janitor.
FAQs on R Tutorial
Q.1 What is Rstudio ?
Rstudio is the IDE for programming in R. It is used to write scripts, access files, and make graphics. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, and research.
Q.2 What are some popular packages in R?
R include ggplot2 the packages for data visualization, dplyr for data manipulation, tplyr for data cleaning.
Q.3 What’s the difference between R and Python?
R programming Python programming Data visualization libraries and tools are good in R language. R has poor data visualization than python. Production is poor than python. Production is better than R. Model Interpretability is good in R programming language. Model Interpretability is not good in python. R has relative complex syntax and learning. Syntax is simple in python. R is used when the data analysis process requires analysis and processing. Python is used when the data analysis process require integrated with web applications. Model creation is similar to Python. Model creation is similar to R.
Q.4 Which is more demanding language? Python or R?
R has more demand than Python in Data science. Specific skills are needed in compare to Python which is a multi-purpose language.