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Singly Linked List definition & meaning DSA

Last Updated : 22 Apr, 2023
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A singly linked list is a special type of linked list in which each node has only one link that points to the next node in the linked list.

Singly linked list

Singly linked list

Characteristics of a Singly Linked List:

  • Each node holds a single value and a reference to the next node in the list.
  • The list has a head, which is a reference to the first node in the list, and a tail, which is a reference to the last node in the list.
  • The nodes are not stored in a contiguous block of memory, but instead, each node holds the address of the next node in the list.
  • Accessing elements in a singly linked list requires traversing the list from the head to the desired node, as there is no direct access to a specific node in memory.

Application of Singly Linked Lists:

  • Memory management: Singly linked lists can be used to implement memory pools, in which memory is allocated and deallocated as needed.
  • Database indexing: Singly linked lists can be used to implement linked lists in databases, allowing for fast insertion and deletion operations.
  • Representing polynomials and sparse matrices: Singly linked lists can be used to efficiently represent polynomials and sparse matrices, where most elements are zero.
  • Operating systems: Singly linked lists are used in operating systems for tasks such as scheduling processes and managing system resources.

Advantages of Singly Linked Lists:

  • Dynamic memory allocation: Singly linked lists allow for dynamic memory allocation, meaning that the size of the list can change at runtime as elements are added or removed.
  • Cache friendliness: Singly linked lists can be cache-friendly as nodes can be stored in separate cache lines, reducing cache misses and improving performance.
  • Space-efficient: Singly linked lists are space-efficient, as they only need to store a reference to the next node in each element, rather than a large block of contiguous memory.

Disadvantages of Singly Linked Lists:

  • Poor random access performance: Accessing an element in a singly linked list requires traversing the list from the head to the desired node, making it slow for random access operations compared to arrays.
  • Increased memory overhead: Singly linked lists require additional memory for storing the pointers to the next node in each element, resulting in increased memory overhead compared to arrays.
  • Vulnerability to data loss: Singly linked lists are vulnerable to data loss if a node’s next pointer is lost or corrupted, as there is no way to traverse the list and access other elements.
  • Not suitable for parallel processing: Singly linked lists are not suitable for parallel processing, as updating a node requires exclusive access to its next pointer, which cannot be easily done in a parallel environment.
  • Backward traversing not possible: In singly linked list does not support backward traversing. 

What else can you see?

  1. What is Linked List
  2. Introduction to Linked List – Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials
  3. Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List
  4. Types of Linked List

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